OM tuning fork 136.1 Hz
tuned to the OM tone = C sharp (432 Hz standard pitch)
***Made in Germany***
This tuning fork is a gentle, holistic therapy instrument that gently vibrates the treated area of the body.
It can be used on:
muscles, bones, joints, organs, chakras, meridians, acupuncture points and the reflex zones of the hands and feet.
When comparing prices with our competitors, please note that the OM tuning fork is made in Germany.
Treating the reflex zones on the feet is a wonderfully pleasant experience, and the treated person easily glides into a very restful state of deep relaxation.
We strongly recommend using one of our tuning fork attachments, which are attached to the shaft of the tuning fork:
ball tip:
flat tip:
How to use it:
Hold the tuning fork by the shaft and do not touch the prongs, as this would prevent them from vibrating. You can strike the prongs with the heel of the free hand, the thigh or a (silicone) striker.
The OM tuning fork is particularly suitable for:
- Treatment of the heart chakra
- Harmonisation & centring
- Drawing energy
- Increasing natural vibration
- Calming (anti-stress treatment)
- Preparing for meditation
Video on how to use it:
Contraindications: Osteoporosis
Price incl. VAT and illustrated cloth bag plus delivery
** The illustrated attachment activation aid is NOT included in the price **